Monday, March 20, 2006

interveiw scaryness 3

well i had the second interveiw for st thomases yesterday and what a day it was. started of having not a very good nights sleep and regreating not tacking some nightall to help with that. woke up about every two hours worried that i had overslept. eek
then got on the bus which arrived early so walked up and down outside the church for a wile before i went in.
had a very nice greeting the guy on the door took me through to were people were having coffee and introduced me to some people felt alittle more confident after that and was invited to sit next to a guy who was a secondary school teacher and quite intresting in church. the service was great they had a worship band that were very gifted at leading worship felt much better after that and the sermon was really good as well so all in all got quite alot out of the service.
then the rector and the tween time youth worker took me to lunch at a local holiday inn had a very nice rost beef and mustard sandwigde.
the actual interveiw was scary they asked me to go strait into the presentation which was horrid as i had not relaxed even a alittle think it would have gone better if i had done it at the end. there were six people interveiwing me one young person lots of people from the actual youth work in the church and one perfesional youth worker who works for youth link. he asked me some supper hard questions. i think i did okay but like said supper nervouse so i don't know if i made a good enough impression.
we shall see the Rector said that i would be in the know in two or three days so we shall see i wanna know now!!!!!!!!
Chris and Louise came over to see me and Gordon after all this which was lovley although i couldn't have been very good company as i was totaly exsortsted. then i went to the YF and i think the young people thought i was pritty cool but you never can tell.
chris and lousie gave me a life home i curled up in bed and slept pritty fast.

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