Thursday, November 27, 2008

Past and Future

Its been a mad few weeks but then I always say that don't I? I guess I lead a mad life but then who doesn't.

Well since I last posted a few thing have happened we all went down to the youth work conference (or is it across Geography never my stronge point that is unless you count knowing how glashers work) which was good. had a bit of a spiritual renancence when i was there which was great. Although I didn't get much out of it on the youth work side of things but then i guess when i have a good relationship with god then my Youth work will get better.

then this week holy has come to visit what has be been great really nice to see her and have some time to catch up and have a good girly giggle just like old times. its nice having friends that when you see even if its after ever such a long time you can pick up where you left off. I am very blessed!!

Thursday, November 13, 2008


well i just got back from Ikea which is always fun. love shoping in Ikea it is so well worked out. Jean and i went today and i bought a boat load of stuff. including some dvd shelves and book shelves the ironic thing is even though i bought two dvd sheelves i still do not have enough room for all my dvds so i will have to go back at some point and buy some more hehe all gun and games.

i also bought a guest bed for when friends and family come and stay so friends and family get in touch soon i would love to host you!!! two bedside tables a load of storiged stuff some picture frams and a dinning room chair i was going to get 6 but the onse i wanted where sold out so i only got the display model but i got a discount on that so yay.

now for the fun process of putting it all together and up yay