Saturday, March 04, 2006

curry night

well hada really good day yesterday went to school and got some young people talking about Jesus and actualy being intrested yay.
then in su one of the young people gave their testomny and honistly was almost in tears by the end was such a powerful story exerlant.
disscusion group didn't happen again grrrrrrr.
but the curry night was really really good much halarity over air hooks and getting new spirt level bubbles yay oh and so many blond jokes.
was so exsorsted by the end of it though.
spent most of this morning in bed and when i finaly got out of bed and had a shower got a phone call from St Thomas's i am being called back to another interveiw on the 19th he said it would be another informal one i am not really sure what this means does it means that i am gonna be meeting people one last time and they will let me know from that or are they gonna make me meet people and then have a formal interveiw this will make it a very grewling process. but i have been talking to other people and record for the most interveiws for one job in the church so far is 4. really really hope i don't have to go through 4 to get this job but if i do i will.

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