Thursday, September 30, 2004

am sitting infrount of the tellie not doing the work that i was gonna do will do it before i go to bed but for now don't really feel like it.
have been at college since yesterday Kat and i had a really great video afternoon/night with a trip to the pics in the middel really really good stuff.
spent today around the college as well went to see wimbledon with Gordon this afternoon it was okay.
then got stuck in traffic on the way to dinner it was okay though their not that bothered as long as i do not make a habbit out of it.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

went to the Docs this morning which was okay the doctor was very nice but alittle hard to talk to. He said the thing i had gone to him about was nothing to worry about so thats okay.
then saw Steve for the pre going back to college how are you doing how are you going to manige with more work meeting which also went well.
Then had lunch with Gordon which was lovley. and wondered around town.
then rushed back to church to Youth club which wasn't on slight lack of communication there but never mind am now dossing around have lit a load of candles even though it is not dark yet and am eating choclate feeling alittle low although i have had a fairly sucseful day. Oh well such is life.
YPFC last night was great bit odd since we have not seen any of the kids in that situation for such a long time but great. and they want it to become a weekly event all i have to do is find another leader and book the holls that is if it passes the commity prosess sure it will can't see why not yay.
but flying trees am late again must go ttfn.

Monday, September 27, 2004

bissy bissy bissy. had a good YF last night talked about the youth service and all the work that the young people have o put into it to make it good and they are really up for it. So exsited it is really going to be good.
had an argument with and adult about the nature of God and reading the bible out of context to make it prove what you want it to prove in the morning and before this we had had a disscusion on the truth of the word of God in pathfinders which had gone really well. arrrrr well you can't have it all.
got loads to do today so had best crack on and get it done :-)

Wednesday, September 22, 2004

well had my life put into harsh prospective yesterday but lets start at the start and end at the end shall we.
had a fairly lazy morning pottering around and really acheving much. then went to see the nurce and i don't have diabetees i am not overwight and have wounderful blood preasure although there are other issues that i need to see a doctor about so thats all good.
then went to Drumchaple (tell me if i spelt that okay) with Gordon and my circus skills stuff and let the kids lose on it which is normal procedure and they seemed to enjoy themselves so that was good.
then took one of Gordons work mates home and had a wake up moment as a man with a big knife came to the door looking for her son. who was thankfully not there. Then after much confusion and uncertainty the mans mother came in she was very stoned and had a long chat about how orfel the hole situation was. In the end we brought the work mate to the college and made sure her kids were in safe places havn't hurd anything about how it all paned out in the end.
the last passage may seem alittle flipent but i don't really have the words or abilaty to describe what went on those are the basics. Hope everthing is okay.
today spent it mostly dossing around going to the pics and had a youth team meeting this eveing which went well.

Monday, September 20, 2004

have been staring at this computer screen far to long today but have actualy got quite abit done and feel alittle more prepared for the coming week than i did this morning which is good. gonna go and do something that does not involve computers for a wile now yay all i have to do is think of something that i can do that does not involve computers hummmm. (i am talking work and college realated not so sad that i can't fill my spare time with something other than computers)
found phone yay was on the back seat of the car.
have only just gotten up had a really wiered dream (not a nightmare) about these plastic Aliens one of the children of the family we had lunch with yesterday had. these Aliens were suposed to have babyes and so yesterday we spent most of the afternoon watching her play nurse. But in the dream i was holding this Alien and suddenly it burst and a fish came out and i felt totaly guilty couse the child wasn't there to see so tryed to put the fish back in. but the fish keept growing and would not go back in. well that was about it hummm weired.

Sunday, September 19, 2004

wow what a weekend. lets start at the start and end at the end. saterday woke up stupidly early due to some nasty dreams that had been playging me all night (small prayer reuest there please pray that i stop having my nightmares which have started again). then went to the college from were and after alittle time cuddling on the couch Gordon and I went first to staples were the car would not start (was a little bit of a blond moment which i shall not go into) then to a church were was the Ecrad charity brekie want to know more about that go to the link at the side and have look. but it was very good. Then played monoplay which i won yay. then after dinner took Holly home and Gordon and i went to elem which was very penticostal and wounderful God sertainly rocked the church that night.
then back to the college were i sleept. humm after a time.
Sunday got up got Gordon up went to church had a very intresting pathfinders session. I am leading next weeks yay. then we went to Pheona and Johns house for lunch which was a full family afair which was really really nice. lots of kids climbing all over though quite glad that i don't have any yet. But can see why people do and why one day i will have and enjoy my own to. back to the college were sat chatting to Linda for a wile which was lovley as always havn't chatted nearly enough resently.
back to church Alpha in which the debate got quite passionate which was good then YF were we talk about the youth service and how the band would work and sorted out a time for people to meet up. all possative. I am also probably doing the teaching in the frist one which is really exsiting. slight worry cannot find my phone eek gonna cheak car in morning but hopeing it is in college.

Friday, September 17, 2004

have gone through today alittle lethargic. But have had such a good night went to this confrence in the central hotel and met redman lead worhsip and God totaly swept away my feelings of un-happyness. it was great. then the teaching was exerlant and then the worship was great again. it is true about if you give something to God he gives you it back ten fold. now waiting for the water to hot up as i badly need a wash as am alittle sweaty and have clean bed to get into.
so now am tired may just have a cold wash and head to bed.
having a bit of a disasta morning really and i havn't even gotten up yet. a Cheque bounced so i have been franticly finding money from varouse places (the joys) and getting quite stressed and so quite tearful about it all well never mind.

Thursday, September 16, 2004

I am a good photographa tehe arn't I tehe hum maybe not Posted by Hello
how bord am i hence the exsesive blogging but thought i would go on in my ficstion with food and tell you about my exserimental dinner. as i am not feeling well enough to go to the patons for dinner as i normaly do on thursday nights i desided to have an intresting dinner and defrosted my last pork chop which i then made a source for out of mango chutny and apple source and bisto then added potato and carots and stewed it. I would like to report that it was very nice and i am now feeling rather pleased with myself big grin tehe.
also went down the road to post some letters and ran into a lady from church which was alittle embarising as i did not know that she was a lady from church till she started talking to me and i relised that she must be couse random people genraly don't ask how your holls went at the traffic light she was a very nice lady though so will keep an eye out for her in future. have choclate the other reason for going up the road.
eating cake and drinking hot chocolate this morning with Wilma was lovley it is always nice to talk to Wilma i am so glad that she is looking after my pastoral stuff.
this afternoon choose the verce for the week and wrote the thought for the week so i don't have to do it in a rush sat. now i am exsorsted sad isn't it but getting back into work slowley is the best way. oh my student loan has been sorted out it will come in at the beinging of tream yay go mum.
still feeling ill hate colds but am being good and resting.
will do alittle more today than yesterday as i am feeling better if not completly myself again. have some prep to do and am meeting Wilma for a pastoral meeting this morning.
yesterday i sat around and did bead work and cross stich although i did go shopping for some basics but thats about it. Gordon came over in the evening so nice to cuddle up and watch the tellie together.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

yay just won spider solitare what a exsiting life i do lead watching the news it is all very desturbing golbal warming bombs and so forth although i think the batman dad who climed the palice yesterday people are getting far to worried about it all.
there is a beautful sunset outside my window i am sitting in the dark so i can see it perfectly the sky looks like shining copper wounderful. God is Amazing
Holly and Gordon came to see me this afternoon which was really cool. we had a nice lunch and chat and mess around.
although now am feeling very tired. so am going to sleep for the rest of the afternoon.

Monday, September 13, 2004

Went and started the hole getting registared at the doctors thing going have to go back on tuesday and then i will be registared and able then to go and see a doctor yay if i need to am registared in glasgow but need a doctors that i can get to without driving when your ill you should not drive should you.
apart from that lay on the coach and dosed most of the day away.
last night was great fun Alpha was intresting and The YF was it normal load self :-). although i got home and felt distintly ill was talking to mum and had to cut her short to go to bed.
now liying on the coach still in PJ's covered by fleesy blanket witht the fire on and feeling sorry for myself but all these things will pass will go have a bath then go back to sleep.
just watched the blues brothers which is such a good film.

Sunday, September 12, 2004

So nice to have Gordon back yay. we went to see the village friday night he sleept through most of it being quite tired and i forgot my ugc card which was a pain. then Sat I took him food shopping. I felt quite ill during most of the time and so we went back to the college were we cooched up on the couch and basicly sleept on and off during a film the Kat provided which was really really good but just felt so rotten. Finaly finsihing that day with going to Elem which was good but as soon at i got in felt worse than ever so spent most of the night iver curled up acros some chairs or leaning agenst Gordons sholder.
then church this morning was good we spent the pathfinders session desiding what to do with the pathfinders we came to the most compicated split we could think off but it may actualy work yay. looking forward to all the fun. also means i get two services a month were i can go into church as aposed to only the one.

Friday, September 10, 2004

just been swimming and it was great forgotten how much i love to swim and how good you feel afterwould although my hair is a bit of a mess and eye are alittle stingy but that is the price we pay and well it was so good.
Holly and i have a target to do a mile by christmas we shall see.
but the pool was lush it had a jacusee and all the normal things and a good swiming pool with sensible people in it who did proper lenghts don't understand people who muck about in the biddle of a lane really it is all good.

this is christopher while he was staying at my house it is the last day which might exsplain why he is looking like he's just eaten a lemon hummm my little brothers great Posted by Hello

these are the flowers that Gordon left for me to come home to everyone go ahhhhhhhhh. thougt some of you ie hard romantics would like to see them Posted by Hello
Another bissy day ahead but not a bad thing. Reading this morning getting a head start which is always a good idea. then going swimming with Holly which is a great i haven't been swimming in so long. Then Gordons back yay.

Thursday, September 09, 2004

humm just bought a microwave and some stuff for the kichen including lights so i will no longer be washing up in the dark yay. very tired early night to night i think went out for a drink with Kat last night and sleeped over at the college and so did not go to bed till one again. it was good to catch up have a girly and a moan and set the world to rights without really being able to do anything about it.

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

not sure why but this thing is playing up again back in the libary what a fun life i do lead.
feeling alittle subjude really missing Gordon but life goes on. Holly is keeping me company is it all good. it is. (holly is reading over my sholder ses "grand")
we stayed up last night and watched Pride and Predjudise which is the best film (even if it is jolly English grrrr) and perfect for a girly night in "ummmmm Mr Darcy" (both girls do varouse swooning actions) tehe arn't i being random.
got to go to college again gonna get the 1st draft of this essay done today :-) that way it is done and i can relaxe a bit.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004

back to the laptop yay love you laptop you are great.
it is all good holly and i went to the china buffet for lunch so feeling slightly bloted yep yep not good for the inches. now hollys back here and we've been mucking about playing guess who and so on. the plan is to have a girly night with dvds and so forth.

this computer is so slow. i am in the libary doing some reading for a essay been doing it for bout 2 hours now and so my brain is alittle addled so i am blogging to un addle it. then will be going to lunch with holly it is all good.
this essay is hard all the books i am reading are about doing outdoor activertyes and since the thing i am writing the essay on is not nesiceraly an outdoor activerty it is gonna take some creativerty to use the books that we have been suggested to read.
funny being back in college doing actual work instead of bumming round upstairs also not a big libary fan i don't find this the most condusive place for studying to much going on really.
well supose had better get on with it really

Monday, September 06, 2004

finished the cleaning bit and most of the tidying but yet there is the mess on the desk that has to be sorted out hummmmm maybe that will be a job for later
Of course it needs doing the hole flat is a total mess. And there is so much washing to do i am quite glad that some random people gave me sevril sachets of free washing powder when i was leaving the airport the other day.

Sunday, September 05, 2004

well that flight was orfel maybe bacause i missed it due to a overrunning riding lession and a acsedent on the motoway not my fault though honist ended up in edinbough in the end.
but after much stress i got to the pathfinders weekend away.
which was great we had a blast so tired i did the ropes course which is the sort of thing i am rubbish at but love to try.
the funnist thing though is when i had given the girls a leactur about not keeping the ladyes awake as they had worked so hard and needed their sleep. well the ladyes then proceded to have a huge giggle fit over talking donkeys whos prophets went to the dentist it is a long story but it was an exsplantion of ballams arse that had gone rongh.
the poor youth who had asked about the story was one i had a bit of a chat with the next day and sorted out the story. I love my job. the funnest part was when the girls came in and told the ladyes off. tehe

Thursday, September 02, 2004

sometimes i wounder if i am actualy insane feeling abit urk after our flight and the prospect of having to do it agan tomorrow followed by a long drive to Lendric muir is not a pleasing one and my bed is covered with junk which might actualy make me cry i think i am supposed to do something with the shepards pie in the oven not sure what on how far in the future that i. although it was goo to spend the afternoon with mum. chris has now gottenon my nerves it is good that the nerves have tacken this long to breack but now he is just annoying me hummm back to glasgow tomorrow.
still feeling delicate as well hum should stop complaining will stop typing to tired to be blogging not in a good enough mood iver.

Wednesday, September 01, 2004

this is everone sitting in my tent at soul survior boy that was snug but so much fun we had such a good time Posted by Hello
well i think msn messinger is possibly one of the best things to come out of the internet. just sat and talked to lovely Noelle and that would not happen unless we could do that. it is so nice to talk to her so so nice. and so nice to talk to all the people i don't see so much and all the people i do as well it is great to talk to young people as well.
well i am all on my own right now have had a good day tired now gonna have a bath and get into bed then i will get up early to pack chrises stuff i think. humm should of done that tonight just didn't feel up to it at all. jippy tum never mind such is life
good day went to sicence center with baby brother last day sad