Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the internet is back!!!!!!

we have not had internet upstairs since thursday night it is now tuesday yay it is back it is back yay.

so now have 26 e-mails not including the junk and some research to do before i can hand in my essay this afternoon

it snowed on sunday which was brill i walked to church it felt so far really hard work but relly good fun waiding through 5inches of untoched snow for most of the way.

then yesterday we built a snow man with the kids they so didn't know how to make a snow man trying to pat snow onto the ball i was rolling 'no roll it' was the refrain of the night. it was halerouse the leaders wanted to be out in the snow more than the kids did we made chris go in with the kids who really could not stand it any more as he is from aberdeen and so has had ample oppertunity to play in the snow in his youth. the boys soacked me with snow balls and we had much hularity all round.
we had a serously mellow night for the rest of it drawing pics and playing dodge ball.
had a good convo with one of the young people about his cell group at home :)

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