Wednesday, February 08, 2006


well it has been abit of a funny day i guess.
got up pottered around tryed to plan the day in the most productive way possible but sorta did not turn out that way.
i went to the chinee supermarket which was fun although the next time i go i will take someone who isn't dyslexic as i found all the reading i had to do very confusing particualy since i didn't really know what i was looking for and where. although i maniged to make a meal out of my cookbook tonight (are you proud of me Noelle) which was passible and i enjoyed can't wait to do some more exsperimenting.
neil left a copy of the referance he rote me in my pigon hole today which i think i may get framed as it was really good. feeling good about myself today although i have not done enough reading or studying today really.

1 comment:

miley said...

Chicken ramen yum yum it is all good