Monday, February 06, 2006

christmas take 2

Gordon and i had our christmas day yesterday as in we eat food exstanged christmas presants and went to church together it was wounderful. and it went so fast i wish things like that lasted longer so that we could enjoy them more.
we had a cooked dinner in the evening which meant we were late for the bus i don't really care i hate saying goodbye and the longer i can put it off the better although its horrid sitting out in the cold for half an hour i supose. I wish there was something i could do to make leaving him at the end of a day easyer.

as to presants he liked his i think i got him a magic trick a plant pot for hurbs a pestel and morta a bowl to put his keys in and some christmas decorations.
he got me a wagama cook book which i have been lusting after for ages the book 'lies to tell small children' which is very funny and a set of stripy cups which are lovley.

1 comment:

miley said...

yes i do remeber one of the first thoughts that came into my head after he gave it to me that was a wounderful few days. i can't wait till i get to see you again noello i miss you sweetie