Sunday, March 28, 2004

was at church this morning it is really wired seeing them all almost just as i left them. singing the same songs it is comforting mind I love my church they are wounderful people. So i am alittle late due to a mix up with the times (silly clocks going back humph) I go in and the sunday school jump me or at which is slightly embarising as they are supposed to be singing. then sit down at the back (I should be used to this sort of thing by now) and mark (the minister) anounses my presans which evokes chers not often you get cheered for entering a building then informs me that i am sharing and carryes on with the service. it's all good all good. spent ages talking to people after the service chaching up and so on.
then came home and mucked about with chris wile getting ant to do revsion I am good at the old guilt trip me. Mum took us to materlan and thats about the sum of my day. so far

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