Tuesday, August 21, 2007

it may just be the buz

it may just be starting my new job and being all excited about that but i am feeling better than i have been feeling for months. which is great i even think that i am starting to lose some of the whieght i put on at the y.

although had a bit of a hectic day yeasterday it started off well and was feeling quite happy with myself and so forth but then i took gordon and his mum down to edingbough to the station and the car overheated on the way out of the city partly due to not haveing toped up the water and the whole city being in gridlock more so than normal. this conspired with the bridge being a car park and me getting totaly lost when i got back to perth for me arriving at my meeting so late everyone was going oops but i did meet the new local youth worker.

i also had a rad night no one had said but i went back to the church after the meeting to disscuss it with the person who had actualy turned up to the meeting and see if there was anything i needed to know. and there where a gang of young people practicing for worship which was for the new youth worship event. which i will be involved in i met a few more of the local youth workers which i am sure will be helpful how is it i have missed these people over the past few months honistly it is like starting all over again in a totaly new place. had a great night

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