Friday, November 25, 2005

why does snow make everyone late?

well i woke up late this morning an unueal occurance for me as you well know but i guess i have been stressed and stuff the last few days.
so was running late for work got my shoes on and opened my curtains to discover snow well i then went and changed my shoes to something more apropreate and waterproof and walked my 45 min walk to school.
this morning went so slowly it wasn't funny mainy because i was really tried and have been all day.

su went ok

then came back to the college meaning to hit my reflection and read the chaptures of mere christianity for disiplship group (chris was leading not me) well came in both things went sorta out of my mind. (reflections completly and mere chrisitanity not really but went down on the priorities) and sat in the lounge talking to Graham and Joy very good convo about discworld and noses (don't ask)
did my refection on communication and in about 20 min and rushed out to disipleship group late (the next relection may be on my worsening time manigment) it went okay.
Then linda and i went to the cinima to find the film we wanted to see sold out and nothing on near enough for us to go and see and came back yes that is the sum total of my day so far going to clean my room now.

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