Tuesday, April 13, 2004

well went to Edingbough yesterday (i sure hope i spelt that right sorry any scots if i didn't) we had a great day. we woundered basicly thats all we did ant got stressed cose he thought we were lost but i am never lost it is just the rest of the world that is in the roughn place hehehehe so we were not lost and we got unlost very fast. The royal miles is very lovey and walking down by the river was great fun.
the subjects of convosation were quite intresting we are not mentoning garilas and definatly no longer talking about when it is good to be a boy. Bannanas are very slow to bio degraid in the country which is why we shouldn't just chuck them away(acording to Gorden anyway). so an intresting day if very tiring we played monoply and almost stayed at the college but held out I had to much to do with getting moved today and tommorow to sleep over. I have a church quiz tonight which is good fun. Ant is "revising" which is fun although i don't think that playing bop it with stephen is revising really it is all good.

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