Wednesday, April 21, 2004

I had something to say when i sat down but it has gone completly out of my mind. so i will ramble on about my day and see if the very insitful coment that i had to give he world comes back in the prosess. (beleive me your all missing out i thought when i though the thing i had to say that is very good i must say it to as meny people as possible oh um)
well due to fun and games i am not going to placmet this evening or tomorrow just Friday which could be tacken in two way 1st yay a unexspected holiday 2nd oh dear i am gonna have to make up thoughs hours somewere else. I want tell you which way i thought about it.
so did reading and prep for most of the day which was good if alittle dull going to go and put some questionares try ad get some productive feedback about my work and were it can be better i say try it may happen it may not i am not the best at writing questionairs possible should try and do it some other way as well but this way the quite onse are more likley to participate arge to much going on in my head starting to justify my actions on my blog am i going crazy (anyone how comments 'going?' will be slaped when i see them) hehehehe insihtful thing has not come back into my addled brain maybe tomorrow then bye bye

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