Wednesday, April 07, 2004

bit of a bomb shell hit last Friday night the lady i am staying with desided that she did not want ant (brother who has been coming to stay for mounths) to come and stay ant is ariving today so her telling me was little on the late side to be honist and put in jeperdy the hole visit which is something i have looked forward to since we desided he was coming. so have spent the reminaing time looking for a place to stay. as i felt abit odd about taking him to the college it is okay me going to stay as a guest but to bring my little brother as well just seems abit cheeky. but it was all sorted and we are going to stay with Suzie for the week and her flate mate Elaine has gone home and offered us her room.
chruch sunday was long but good i enjoyed it espeshaly the joint eveing service which was just the right mix of old and new i hope we do that again really soon not just for special occasions like plam sunday.
Monday spent tidying my arts and Craft cubord found loads of stuff didn't even new we had some stuff that i didn't even new exsisted to and some stuff i am not actulay shaw what it is and what to do with it but is is all nice and tidy now which will help me think of new crafts to do witht the young people.

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