Tuesday, May 03, 2005

lunch time in youth min room

so i am sitting in the youth min room waiting for the next class to start suzi and jen are both here to and random people keep woundering in and out looking for the course leader who has hide somewere so no one can actualy find him. not suprising after having our class this morning tehe. well honistly we are not that bad but well must be alittle depressing teaching a class that was mostley late and not looking that intrested in what he had to say.

actauly had a really good weekend down with Gordons family it was really hard work and alittle stressful in places but by far better than i had exsected so that was good. mum came over for her birthday and we went punting which was great i even had a go and didn't fall in!!!

the train up the country was alittle less fun than the train down couse we were so tired then i hung about all afternoon and jen kat gordon and i went to see hitch hickers guide to the galixy which was well not as good as the books but i guess it never really could be.

went home to find the place as i had left it which was good couse i forgot to close a window but bad because i had left it in a mess. although who would have cleaned it for me in that time i don't know so never mind it will be a fun job for thursday for tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your life just gets more and more exciting as the days go by!