Sunday, September 05, 2004

well that flight was orfel maybe bacause i missed it due to a overrunning riding lession and a acsedent on the motoway not my fault though honist ended up in edinbough in the end.
but after much stress i got to the pathfinders weekend away.
which was great we had a blast so tired i did the ropes course which is the sort of thing i am rubbish at but love to try.
the funnist thing though is when i had given the girls a leactur about not keeping the ladyes awake as they had worked so hard and needed their sleep. well the ladyes then proceded to have a huge giggle fit over talking donkeys whos prophets went to the dentist it is a long story but it was an exsplantion of ballams arse that had gone rongh.
the poor youth who had asked about the story was one i had a bit of a chat with the next day and sorted out the story. I love my job. the funnest part was when the girls came in and told the ladyes off. tehe

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