Tuesday, September 07, 2004

this computer is so slow. i am in the libary doing some reading for a essay been doing it for bout 2 hours now and so my brain is alittle addled so i am blogging to un addle it. then will be going to lunch with holly it is all good.
this essay is hard all the books i am reading are about doing outdoor activertyes and since the thing i am writing the essay on is not nesiceraly an outdoor activerty it is gonna take some creativerty to use the books that we have been suggested to read.
funny being back in college doing actual work instead of bumming round upstairs also not a big libary fan i don't find this the most condusive place for studying to much going on really.
well supose had better get on with it really

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Duck duck duck duck duck!!!!!!

*quack quack quack quack quack!!!!!!!*

*waddles away*