Sunday, June 12, 2005


another long long long day. been going since 8 this morning but thats part and parcil of life.
so had to be in church all ready to teach the kids a drama at 10 didn't relsie that there was a prayer breckfast on so went and sat and drank apple jucie with three of the young people who had made and effort but none of the others came so there will be no drama as they have used up half their rehusal time. it is one less thing for me to do so thats fine.
then church was so tired from yesterday spent it iver dropping of or haveing a quite cry.
came home for a bit of lunch then back to the church for band practice there is still so much to do before the evening service on the 26th.
then home again then caterlyst were i just brock down and started crying a combination of stress tiredness and to much to do. oh well bedtime now nice hot bath.

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