Saturday, September 01, 2007

oh no

my laptop is making that scary sound that means the fan is probley on its way out it will soon be like flogging a dead donkey trying to do anything on this thing i guess that that means i had better start saving for a new home computer although i don't think i nesisarlaly need a laptop any more so that should save some bucks.

had an intresting night last night the other leader for youth club did not come but some young people had keys so they came in early to play table tennis but neglected to lock the door the next thing i new i had the whole lot of them in the building yikes child protection nightmare. i waited as long as i could with all honistly wait before i kicked them all although they tunred up a bit later to see if the other leader had come and if i could let them back in. but hey i guess these things happen there must have been crossed wires somewhere along the way.

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