Monday, June 12, 2006


Saturday was very hard work but it was great fun in lots of way.
went into frenzy with neil and catrinora and helpt them set up the ICC stand which fun as we got all creative with the warped photos on the Imac the Neil had brought (later they had the attraction of taking and printing out more warped pictures hundreds of young people came although not so sure how many of them will be intrested in coming to the college they did bring their youth workers though which was good)had to take neil out to ratho adventure centre to get some seats for them.
was quite bord when the concert started though most people i new had not arrived yet. hooked up with Linda and Kat after Tim Huges was on Gordon came later i am afraid that i am guilty of neglecting Linda after that which was not the best.
we hung around and helpt neil and catroina by taking over from them so that they could go and get a breck.

had done the silly thing of commiting myself to go on the buddy bus after frenzy though which was not the best plan was serously dehydrated when we got back to the college but had an hour or so to sort that out. although was not well for a good part of that hour. but i pulled myself together and Gordon came with me which really helpt. it was an intresting evening blessedly quite for us had a detbate about christianity with a philosphy student and a real convosation about it with his friend.

Sunday in church was okay went home and dozed for a few hours and Gordon and i met up and had a drink in the sun and wandered round glasgow it was actualy a lovely afternoon from getting as it took me from feeling quite negitive and weepy (got teary over the Oringe march that had gone past the college) left Gordon feel really happy and possitive.

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