Monday, May 01, 2006

weekend maddness and catchup not to mention climbing centers

Gordon and i went for a 10 mile walk along the union cannal and got really excited about going climbing in the ratho climbing center. such a cool place. it honistly defies description it is so cool Gordon thought it was abit like being in a bond movie i wouldn't know haveing never watched a bond movie. have a look click the title to this post and you will get to their site.
it was a goeguse day you could feel the heat from the sun it was wounderful.
he came back to college with me and slept on Joshes floor as we had a meeting about a weekend away with a kingspark batise which we are helping with in september.
getting there was a disaster but i want go into that because i am still upset and annoyed and it has the danger of turning into a rant.
we had nice food they were a nice family we where visiting and had alittle bit of a worship time before tea and the meeting which was fun.
head was quite bad by the time we finished and went to an eve service at destinany church which was very comersal but had good worship music even if it was so load and the lights were herting me got some prayer which was good.

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