Friday, September 16, 2005

some jokes are just old

still not 100% but getting there which is a bonus. was so tired all day yesterday did limited admin work but then had a meeting about bible class and group to go to in the eve and i was not to be beaten so i did both.
the meeting was intresting they want to make bible class a before church thing with some simpal brekfast to fellowship around. i have a problem with this that young people however dedicated are unlickly to take kindley to having to get up out of bed even earler on a sunday. the argument used by my fellow leaders in regards to this was that these were mainly assylem seeker children and so from a diffrent culture. well most of what i have seen on these young people which isn't much i must admit tells me that they are fitting in with the stay in bed culture that we have here. but never mind we are going to try it and see. The other surgestion was for us to have it in the afternoon sunday and mid week i added saying the eve sunday would be better all round which was sorta agreed with.
group went well had the circus skills stuff out and of course when we did balloon modeling all the boys did the serously long willy joke i don't know i mean its not even remotly funny but i guess guys of a sertain age and or mentality must think it is hilareous otherwise every time i get the balloons out it wouldn't happen *roles eye*

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