Friday, September 30, 2005

back in glasgow

came back up yesterday and had a very pleasant trip up the country with Gordon. the week was okay if alittle stressful didn't sleep all that well for most of it so am prity tired now. we spent lots of time with Gordons gandad which was nice we went on his boat and had a trip up the river even go to steer.
i also got to visit home and we also went out in the boat and i also got to steer that to so it has actualy been a very boaty week.
the funarl happend on monday and it was as nice as it could have been have been. we stayed around at Gordons Uncles house after the funaral and had a chinees with that family which was lovely. we also had lots of meals out and some lovley family meals at his mothers.
went to work last nght which was good although only 3 kids came and i attempted to play pool at the end of the eve which resulted in much huality as i could not control the que enough to hit the white humph.

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