Monday, March 07, 2005

Fun, Fun Fun

okay so sunday what a day. made mum some pancakes for mothers day which i think she enjoyed then she went and sorted out my bedroom. went into church which was good first time i have been in the service for months and months.
then we came home and put food on. Gordon came over to wave her off from the taxi. and that was that it was really good to see her.

then went and did the rehursal for the eve service we so need to practice more we did well considering how much practice we had but feel that the young people did not reach their potental which is a shame because when they do it is amazing.

no YF so Gordon and i came home and watched the telli. we walked to mount floidor station which is just as close as cathcart station and not back towards the church so you don't feel like your walking the same streach of road all the time.

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