Wednesday, May 19, 2004

it shouldn't amaze me how much people change over time anymore but it does. I have been looking at photos of Andy one of my young people whos family i am staying with at the mo from before i come and he has changed so much but that is to be exspected he is still a young person. But it got me onto thinking about my friends and how much we must off changed. I mean take my school friend Dan (hey dan if your reading this) at school he was often ill really overwhight and the lovest guy around now he is not ill ever as far as i know slim and hunky (see i am nice arnt i) and even more of a lovely person. then there is the team i went to Uganda with it would take me mounths to list how all of them have changed after just seeing them for a few hours. now i wounder how much i have changed within myslef i wounder what it would be like to look though one of my old friends eyes at me. I also wounder how much the people i have fairly day to day contact with have changed to the people who new them before because we all change and effect each other wow isn't God amazing because it is really him doing all the changing and him who is putting you near the people who ar influancing you and and vise a versa wow. gonna stop rambaling but end with this last though how much to we effect the lives of people we only have a small amount of contact with people like shop attendace and waiter people like thoughs who sell the big issue? Do you think that we can change a life in less than a minit possibly not but we might make a day better.

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