Monday, July 13, 2009

lalalala Lemon

so what has been going on in the last month.
well if i am being honest failing my masters has depressed me a little and i have been struggling a bit. shorter temper and being shirty being the main outworking of this. but i am working my way through it. there are so many good things in my life that i cannot ignore.
Oliver and I are going on really well although he has been away for three weeks one of which in the US so could not talk to him but thats fine he is back in the UK now and will be back in Cambria next friday.
we did Skelton show last week which went really well i am sure it has done loads to help rise the cafes profile in the community which is always good. and it was wonderfully sunny all day got a little sunburn but there are defiantly worse things in the world lol. although some of the young people may not have thought this since they where more burned than me.
this weekend is the last cafe of the school year i can't believe it i have been in this job for a full school year and i love it so much i am so looking forward to next year and all the new challenges that it has to bring.
but between now and then is the summer holidays with holiday club, chris and i are doing the coast to coast walk, soul surviour and another two weeks holiday at the end which i don't have a plan for yet other than that i am going to please my self during it.
so many wonderful,wonderful things to look forward to can't wait

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