Monday, April 23, 2007

what on earth is going on

monday last week. it all went to pot and this time a really mean it. i had two meetings the first one was with funders and i was late which was not the best but in the grand sceam of things not that big and deal.
but then after work we had a meeting about my future as sidewalk coordinator and i my one months notice was told i did not have to go back in other than to clear my desk and sent home. this sucks more than words can say.
i have worked hard i have done what i was employed to do to the best of my ablities but i feel like i have been left go because i would not do things that where not part of my job in the first place and because i am not load enough to build superfiasl realtionships off the bat. they seem to have really unrealistic exspections of what detached youth work should look like and how fast it should move. i am not saying i have not made mistakes but what i am saying is that i do not feel that things where going badly enough to get the sack. but then again where one door closes ten more open there will be something better for me unfortunalty i really need to find it in less than a month. :S

1 comment:

Unknown said...

praying that God will surprise you with his tender care and wise guidance, love Dougie and Fi, Andy and Stephen xx