Thursday, December 01, 2005


I just glansed at my blog post count and I have reach 601 posts my goodness how sad am I.

so had an okay day yesterday was not able to settle down to study in the morning becuase i was so exsited about going to see Gordon. So i packed up my books and traveled over with the intention of studing there.
well it did happen after cleaning up Gordons flat. It was so nice to see him although he was really tired *roles eyes*
we went out to a shoping sencter in livingston which was okay personly would rather have stayed in aspeshaly since the time we spent there ran over and we ended up on the wrong bus and so i ended up staying later than we had intended and i am now exsorsted.
but it all worked out okay in the end we talked about some important stuff.

now i just have to get through the rest of the day with grace and smiles when my body is saying sleep or cry.

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