Thursday, March 16, 2006


well today at college has been long.
the morning class was okay if alittle dull could see the point in it. then neil helpt me get some video clips for my presentation on sunday which was really nice.
then we had our lovley lunch but of course really could not enjoy it all that much because we had to go back up to class.
although was in tear laughing at grame wile we talked about monti python.
class this afternoon well i am so cross about it i want even try to exsplain it but it was basicly so pointless and dull that we really really considered not going back as a class. it was just ken telling us his life story again which was all well and good but we have hurd about it over and over again and although his daughters are great it is honistly not the best when he talks about them constantly in class it really really really boils me up we could have used this afternoon for so much more important stuff.

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