Monday, February 20, 2006

mirgrain leftovers

well i am sitting at my desk still struggling with the pain in my haed that has been there since friday night. saturday it was unbearable sunday just keept me in bed today well i don't know. i am glad that these things aren't lasting for weeks a t a time any more though.

Gordon and I went out to TGIs on friday night and had a lovley valintines day got all dressed up in my nice black dress. it is so nice to make youself feel like a princess for a change aspeshaly when you look like a scruffy urchin for the rest of the time. started to get the mirgrain when we came back to the college though which put a dampener on our evening.

my valintimes prezzies were great i can stop teasing him about last year now two books the bunny suicides which are halereous and a novel called the boy in the blue pajamas which i haven't had a chance to read yet what with the head and all but looks good. I got him a vintage monopoly set which he liked.

sat was a blure of pain but i was so glad that he was there for most of it it made it that bit more bearable.

sun was sorta the same exsept that i didn't feel quite so bad and anisa came to the college looking for a chat we sat around and talk about boys for a long time it was nice to see her and it is good that the young people are now seeking me out for advice. although was very tired after it.

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