Friday, July 15, 2005


so yesterday went okay got up early and was droped off at the station at the start of my long journy to liverpool the other side of the country and some way north.
i got there without misshap and found the passport office fairly quikly i was over half an hour early for my appointment so sat in the offic after going through security which was pritty tight and waited with my book.
when i finaly got called up the lady behind the desk said that they were on a new system and that i could do that day pick up if i so wished which was such a relife but meant that i had to miss the train i intended to catch to get home and amuse myself with no money until 5:30pm. that wasn't to hard i went and found the marritime museam which was amazing everyone must go there they actualy had streets to walk down so that you got a real feel of what liverpool felt like during the mass emegration to the new world and a slave ship to sit in so you got an idea of how that must have felt it was cool. was to tried to get round the hole thing though so went and sat by the docks and read some more until i made my way up to the post office again.
got my passport although the lady got confused about my name which has always been a pain in the bum if we are totaly honist.
and i started on my way home the train from lestier was cancelled so i had to wait 45 minits for the next one although it was longer as that one was late. BUt am home and happy and don't have to worry about getting to venia now am so exsited about that.

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