Thursday, June 10, 2004

Paisly was okay yesterday although the girls didn't come to the group we had a bit of time with them outside. In which we had some choclate which "they" of the leader gave me as a going away presant. sooo sweet
then came to the college and sat around with everyone plus an old student (abby) who is back visiting people and who is lovely.
at some point after twelve Abby Holly and I went to the kabab shop shortly to be joined by Gorden then we did a night time photo shoot around Glasgow and Gordens new phone has a video camra thingiy on it so he did a crazy video thingiy. it was very funny indeed.


Anonymous said...

I loved last night.

*starts singing* I'm singing in the rain.

Hope you found your purse :)

miley said...

is that you Holly