Friday, May 28, 2004

silly market resurch people always after my time i think they see me coming and think good nice girl will nab her. well it's just tacken me half and hour to get through them all I don't know one after another after another. am at the college about to do some work humph well i guess it dosn't happen that offten.


Anonymous said...


Me may regret giving the blog address to me Emily :) :)

Why must one endure market research? Do they phone you up? Thankfully when folk phone us (which they must do about twice a week....if we're in to catch the calls) their not really interested in advertising to tenants...

Poor folk telephone-sales people.....I reckon that job 'opportunity' should just be wiped.....they must hate it, no one wants it.....seems simple....

x Steph

miley said...

they got me on the street which is more annoying than i can say. but yes the phone people are annoying as well that is so true the only reson i talk to them sometimes is because they look so sad