just come back from a really good service we just welcomed our new asoshate minister it was a great service and am really pleased for Wilma I think she will be a great minister.
so tired though really it is stupid how tired i am once i come back from paisly.
but i guess work tired is good tired and i am greatfull for this oppertunity to serve even in such a small way. i praise God so much for eveything that he has done in my life and there are so meny things to praise him for that i can't keep up it is truly amazing that he even bothers with us and yet he does and somehow today i have felt loved and comfortble more so than i have in weeks and i am glad that i am tired in his service and i am glad that he makes me able to do that work. yay
Thursday, April 29, 2004
blimy am in troble, as is usal for the end of the mounth i have no money but should be paid monday oh no bank holiday but thats not why i am in troble today i have almost no petrol left to get me to work due to getting lost twice yesterday i used up more petral than i would off normaly in the trips that i made now for the frist time in ages i am running on empty i have a plan though so it will all be okay.
Wednesday, April 28, 2004
i have only just gotten up oops was reading left behind book and could not move till i got to the end but now i have finished it and am not motivated to do anything not even get dressed propely since i am stll wearin my PJs top but such is life and i have to get motovated as i have placment tonight it should be a laghf see how the grils did in their bag packing exsplotes and stuff.
Tuesday, April 27, 2004
left the prayer day early as it just all got to much and watched the butterfly effect which is a really good film then came home cooked my food and sat filling in silly forms as i had gotten my post this morning not very profoun really my life at the moment am feeling quite stressed. not somthing that can be totaly dealt with till i finaly move into my flat and don't feel like i am being watched 24/7 but thats enough complaining for now
i have just had a great laghf playing rounders at the back of the college with a totlay mad lectura which was a good thing to do. we are havinga prayer day at the college which has been good bonie has organised it so it has been better than antisapated go bonie i have always been ill for prayer days at college I don't really like such things being told when to stand and when to sit and such like but like i said this was really quite good.
Monday, April 26, 2004
Sunday, April 25, 2004
just got back from caterlist whichwas great very refeshing and very challenging. I took three lads home got two of them to the destinations without misshap yay. and am taking andy who is one of the young people i am staying with at this family house i am staying at and we turn into a road no traffic for miles and he casualy ses to me um shouldn't we be on the other side of the road oops
it has been a good day though sitting in the sun reading bible then book and just being relaxed summer i on it' way be happy.
it has been a good day though sitting in the sun reading bible then book and just being relaxed summer i on it' way be happy.
Saturday, April 24, 2004
well the spring fair went well we raise over £200 pounds which was good the rain kept off which was also good. I got so wet in the soak the youth leader that i looked like i hd just fallen into a river or something. not the worst thing in the world the kids loved throughing spunges at us but the minister got the largest crowd. No not bitter at all not bitter hehehehehehe
so tired though now came home washed my hair and have been watching dvds since in a sort of stupper.
so tired though now came home washed my hair and have been watching dvds since in a sort of stupper.
Friday, April 23, 2004
well i am thanking the Lord for my Life tonight my inebilaty to cowardinate hit me wile i was driving to paisly and i almost died sevril times just getting in a muddel.
then on the way back i got lost in the one-way which was a pain as it was dark and i could not see the sighns properly but happy am home am feeling better aout tomorrow and have drunk iron bru so bounsing of the walls with no one to bounce with as the family have gone to bed. need someone to play monopoly with but their sadly is no one. never mind would play agenst my computer if i could find the disk don't know were it is quite vexing really. I went to a disco put on by paisly young people which although was not very well attended was very good the kid who did the djing were exerlant at it. and i am always amazed but how God put the most amazing gifts in people if you look at them you would never of gest it is truly cool i love to see people in their eliment. so happy gonna try and sleep now ho hum
then on the way back i got lost in the one-way which was a pain as it was dark and i could not see the sighns properly but happy am home am feeling better aout tomorrow and have drunk iron bru so bounsing of the walls with no one to bounce with as the family have gone to bed. need someone to play monopoly with but their sadly is no one. never mind would play agenst my computer if i could find the disk don't know were it is quite vexing really. I went to a disco put on by paisly young people which although was not very well attended was very good the kid who did the djing were exerlant at it. and i am always amazed but how God put the most amazing gifts in people if you look at them you would never of gest it is truly cool i love to see people in their eliment. so happy gonna try and sleep now ho hum
having a freeky can hear a bird but can't locate it not sure if it is in the eves which is fine in the house which ould mean that some action is eeded abd i am not good with flying things or outside which is best quite strange really.
not in the mood to go the plament today to much to do not looking forward to tomorow if the weather is like it is the moment haveing wet spunges throughn at me is at the bottem of the list of things i most want to do with my day so pray for sunshine. The Sping Fair should be good but it would be so much better with out rain really it would. personaly i cn't wait till it is over.
not in the mood to go the plament today to much to do not looking forward to tomorow if the weather is like it is the moment haveing wet spunges throughn at me is at the bottem of the list of things i most want to do with my day so pray for sunshine. The Sping Fair should be good but it would be so much better with out rain really it would. personaly i cn't wait till it is over.
Thursday, April 22, 2004
arg the commputer wont open hotmail properly i can see that i have 5 e-mails but can't get to them.
went to perants of the people i am now living with for dinner tonight old people like to give you lots of food not such a good thing have spent the evening feeling slightly bloted.
But they were lovely people and good cooks which makes up for it i have had a good night i think.
went to perants of the people i am now living with for dinner tonight old people like to give you lots of food not such a good thing have spent the evening feeling slightly bloted.
But they were lovely people and good cooks which makes up for it i have had a good night i think.
I have gotten loades done today but feel like i have done nothing slightly anying to tell the truth i look at the pile of work acheved and think loads then lookat the pile of work to be acheived and think oh my life what am i gonna do then i get all worried about not being able to find half mystuff as i am still living out a suitcase in someones attic in a land far far away from rime or resion and feeling alittle stressed at having o be on my best behavoiu at all times an't wounder round in PJs as i am living with two aderlesant boys who are atendees of my church and that is just not the image that they should have of their youth worker. oh well still haven't thought of what i was going to say yesterday i think al hope is gone and you have missed out neer mind.
Wednesday, April 21, 2004
I had something to say when i sat down but it has gone completly out of my mind. so i will ramble on about my day and see if the very insitful coment that i had to give he world comes back in the prosess. (beleive me your all missing out i thought when i though the thing i had to say that is very good i must say it to as meny people as possible oh um)
well due to fun and games i am not going to placmet this evening or tomorrow just Friday which could be tacken in two way 1st yay a unexspected holiday 2nd oh dear i am gonna have to make up thoughs hours somewere else. I want tell you which way i thought about it.
so did reading and prep for most of the day which was good if alittle dull going to go and put some questionares try ad get some productive feedback about my work and were it can be better i say try it may happen it may not i am not the best at writing questionairs possible should try and do it some other way as well but this way the quite onse are more likley to participate arge to much going on in my head starting to justify my actions on my blog am i going crazy (anyone how comments 'going?' will be slaped when i see them) hehehehe insihtful thing has not come back into my addled brain maybe tomorrow then bye bye
well due to fun and games i am not going to placmet this evening or tomorrow just Friday which could be tacken in two way 1st yay a unexspected holiday 2nd oh dear i am gonna have to make up thoughs hours somewere else. I want tell you which way i thought about it.
so did reading and prep for most of the day which was good if alittle dull going to go and put some questionares try ad get some productive feedback about my work and were it can be better i say try it may happen it may not i am not the best at writing questionairs possible should try and do it some other way as well but this way the quite onse are more likley to participate arge to much going on in my head starting to justify my actions on my blog am i going crazy (anyone how comments 'going?' will be slaped when i see them) hehehehe insihtful thing has not come back into my addled brain maybe tomorrow then bye bye
Tuesday, April 20, 2004
Monday, April 19, 2004
the guys brock the computer trying to up-graid it so now i am sitting at a less good computer on the other side of the room typing on my lap Andy ses IT is duggies fault bu I think it is both really.
I had very silly day off sat and thought about youth work and got stressed because i had desided to do none then picked up a youth work book and started readin it not thinking and had a row at yself for doing youth work so silly but apart from that had a good day watching lord of the rings and going into Wes owen to do youth work oh dear i have no life.
I had very silly day off sat and thought about youth work and got stressed because i had desided to do none then picked up a youth work book and started readin it not thinking and had a row at yself for doing youth work so silly but apart from that had a good day watching lord of the rings and going into Wes owen to do youth work oh dear i have no life.
Sunday, April 18, 2004
Saturday, April 17, 2004
wow what a day or half a day anyhow I have just been so inspired by my young people. I took them to Wes Owen to look and see what was on offer in the bible study range and descuss whta they wanted out of the indepth bible study i have plained which was everthing they could possibley get from going through the bible to doing studyes on topics so we desided to do a bit of both and see how it all works out. But we were sitting in the cafe bit of the shop discussing the year so far and talking about how they felt about the groups and they were honist about them which makes a change. and well i think i can impove what i am doing from what they said and i have a hole other idea about new things to do which will be top sectrate till I work out if it really is fezable. Today has been so from God you would not beleive it is time to get focused and move on I think. I love my work
Friday, April 16, 2004
well having a lazyish type day have been sorting though the huge amounts of random paper that has acumilated in my suitcase during each of my moves it is amazing how much stuff you gather over such a short space of time but it turns out that half of it was envolopes and most of the rest could go in the bin.
I have also sorted out my timetable for the coming weeks again it is getting worse were does all my time go i wounder then i look at my timetable and think bilmy i havn't done that or that or that or that yet humph not good anyway enough of this self pitty i am off to do more paper work
I have also sorted out my timetable for the coming weeks again it is getting worse were does all my time go i wounder then i look at my timetable and think bilmy i havn't done that or that or that or that yet humph not good anyway enough of this self pitty i am off to do more paper work
Thursday, April 15, 2004
sob Ants going home today all sad but i guess it is for the best as if he did stay much longer i would just get stressed littlle brothers can be very wearing sometimes.
having a lazy day apart from that which is good
I am all moved it always astonds me how much stuff i have when ever i try to move it but hopefully the next move will be the last for about two years then how scary two years is not actualy that long a time when you think how fast this year has gone.
having a lazy day apart from that which is good
I am all moved it always astonds me how much stuff i have when ever i try to move it but hopefully the next move will be the last for about two years then how scary two years is not actualy that long a time when you think how fast this year has gone.
Wednesday, April 14, 2004
had a freecky moment on the train today don't know why but suddelnly though i was back in Uganda (were i did my year out) I think it was because of the barbed wire and red painted pricks just like the mud brick back in jinja. I also think that it may be due to tiredness quite a strange feeling really.
we went to the science center today more on a scot trip for when chris comes to visit as both Ant and I are far to old well thats our excusse anyhow. sad though ant is going tomorrow and I have had such a cool week with him up although i need sleep and rest in abundence if i am to be any use next week.
we went to the science center today more on a scot trip for when chris comes to visit as both Ant and I are far to old well thats our excusse anyhow. sad though ant is going tomorrow and I have had such a cool week with him up although i need sleep and rest in abundence if i am to be any use next week.
Tuesday, April 13, 2004
well went to Edingbough yesterday (i sure hope i spelt that right sorry any scots if i didn't) we had a great day. we woundered basicly thats all we did ant got stressed cose he thought we were lost but i am never lost it is just the rest of the world that is in the roughn place hehehehe so we were not lost and we got unlost very fast. The royal miles is very lovey and walking down by the river was great fun.
the subjects of convosation were quite intresting we are not mentoning garilas and definatly no longer talking about when it is good to be a boy. Bannanas are very slow to bio degraid in the country which is why we shouldn't just chuck them away(acording to Gorden anyway). so an intresting day if very tiring we played monoply and almost stayed at the college but held out I had to much to do with getting moved today and tommorow to sleep over. I have a church quiz tonight which is good fun. Ant is "revising" which is fun although i don't think that playing bop it with stephen is revising really it is all good.
the subjects of convosation were quite intresting we are not mentoning garilas and definatly no longer talking about when it is good to be a boy. Bannanas are very slow to bio degraid in the country which is why we shouldn't just chuck them away(acording to Gorden anyway). so an intresting day if very tiring we played monoply and almost stayed at the college but held out I had to much to do with getting moved today and tommorow to sleep over. I have a church quiz tonight which is good fun. Ant is "revising" which is fun although i don't think that playing bop it with stephen is revising really it is all good.
Sunday, April 11, 2004
I am on the move again moving from Joans of Dougies which is good I like Dougie and his family they are nice people. not that Joan was not a nice person it's just i have more in commen with Dougie.
this will be until i finaly move into my new flat which will happen soon i hope. but it is a real ansure to prayer that i don't have to live with Joan anymore as i really dislike living with a smoker.
this will be until i finaly move into my new flat which will happen soon i hope. but it is a real ansure to prayer that i don't have to live with Joan anymore as i really dislike living with a smoker.
hve been having a blast it's great having ant up gives me the perfect exsuse to do all the toristy things that i am to wimpy to do on my own.
like the Glasgow tour yesterday which was great although the frist half of it was better than the second.
we also went to see shaun of the dead on friday night with Kat and her friend which was very funny if alittle grusam.
Church this morning was good although i really really did not want to get out of my bed for the prayer breakfast i was glad i did it was lovely. the service was good as well looking forward to YF tonight.
like the Glasgow tour yesterday which was great although the frist half of it was better than the second.
we also went to see shaun of the dead on friday night with Kat and her friend which was very funny if alittle grusam.
Church this morning was good although i really really did not want to get out of my bed for the prayer breakfast i was glad i did it was lovely. the service was good as well looking forward to YF tonight.
Thursday, April 08, 2004
you know me i am a dafty that is for sure. got all confussed yesterday and went to pick my bro up when he was really ariving today stupid hu. but it was okay found out befor i got to the airport which is good.
Mum has spent the last 20 nminits talking to me about how nervouse letting my brother (who if it is possible is more scatty than me) be alown in an airport and get on a plain on his own she quoted the last conversation she had with him
"i can see the plain on the screen mum it ses gate (whatever) last call it ses last call" but he is now fine and on bord and i will coller him in glasgow were you just can't get lost really. it is all good fun. I am so lookingforward to seeing him!!!
Mum has spent the last 20 nminits talking to me about how nervouse letting my brother (who if it is possible is more scatty than me) be alown in an airport and get on a plain on his own she quoted the last conversation she had with him
"i can see the plain on the screen mum it ses gate (whatever) last call it ses last call" but he is now fine and on bord and i will coller him in glasgow were you just can't get lost really. it is all good fun. I am so lookingforward to seeing him!!!
Wednesday, April 07, 2004
I was faced with more stairs delivering more leflets I really don't think people relise how tromertising stairs can be for someone who is despractic (stupid word studpid spelling stupid problem) but only triped up them once yay.
It is something that i am quite proud of myself in really I have overcome this problem only people who watch for it will see it (like mothers). although it is hard work always being in control and aware of what you are doing i wounder if that is why i get tired so fast because i am putting in more effort to just walk in a sensible way, doubt it though. Maybe i will start trying to ride bikes again although i don't think i can hadel another head wound like the last time i did (came off my bike going about 30 down a hill ouch big hurt). I like being the sucsess story it is fun although that means that there are a lot of exspections off me that it is sometimes hard to meet but that is for another time.
It is something that i am quite proud of myself in really I have overcome this problem only people who watch for it will see it (like mothers). although it is hard work always being in control and aware of what you are doing i wounder if that is why i get tired so fast because i am putting in more effort to just walk in a sensible way, doubt it though. Maybe i will start trying to ride bikes again although i don't think i can hadel another head wound like the last time i did (came off my bike going about 30 down a hill ouch big hurt). I like being the sucsess story it is fun although that means that there are a lot of exspections off me that it is sometimes hard to meet but that is for another time.
bit of a bomb shell hit last Friday night the lady i am staying with desided that she did not want ant (brother who has been coming to stay for mounths) to come and stay ant is ariving today so her telling me was little on the late side to be honist and put in jeperdy the hole visit which is something i have looked forward to since we desided he was coming. so have spent the reminaing time looking for a place to stay. as i felt abit odd about taking him to the college it is okay me going to stay as a guest but to bring my little brother as well just seems abit cheeky. but it was all sorted and we are going to stay with Suzie for the week and her flate mate Elaine has gone home and offered us her room.
chruch sunday was long but good i enjoyed it espeshaly the joint eveing service which was just the right mix of old and new i hope we do that again really soon not just for special occasions like plam sunday.
Monday spent tidying my arts and Craft cubord found loads of stuff didn't even new we had some stuff that i didn't even new exsisted to and some stuff i am not actulay shaw what it is and what to do with it but is is all nice and tidy now which will help me think of new crafts to do witht the young people.
chruch sunday was long but good i enjoyed it espeshaly the joint eveing service which was just the right mix of old and new i hope we do that again really soon not just for special occasions like plam sunday.
Monday spent tidying my arts and Craft cubord found loads of stuff didn't even new we had some stuff that i didn't even new exsisted to and some stuff i am not actulay shaw what it is and what to do with it but is is all nice and tidy now which will help me think of new crafts to do witht the young people.
Friday, April 02, 2004
soooooo sooooooo sooooooo tired should learn not going to bed means tiredness in the morning but it is all good.
today have been at the star project we had a fairwell feast for paul who is leaving which was nice then we went to the school and eat lunch with them so am positivley stuffed.
then we took to the school to see a christian show called spellbound amazingly well done really really enjoyed it. and so did the kids. it was basicly the story of creation fall and salvation told as if God was a toy maker and we were the special toys that he made to be his comainions it worked so well. The kids totaly got it which was good because as it was a school trip they could not give much more of a message on top of it.
now heading back to the house am going to have a bath hummmmmmm and sleep.
today have been at the star project we had a fairwell feast for paul who is leaving which was nice then we went to the school and eat lunch with them so am positivley stuffed.
then we took to the school to see a christian show called spellbound amazingly well done really really enjoyed it. and so did the kids. it was basicly the story of creation fall and salvation told as if God was a toy maker and we were the special toys that he made to be his comainions it worked so well. The kids totaly got it which was good because as it was a school trip they could not give much more of a message on top of it.
now heading back to the house am going to have a bath hummmmmmm and sleep.
Thursday, April 01, 2004
don't mention wet t-shirt!!
we did possibly the nicest April fools jokes ever one the lads last night greta fun Kat Linda and I Seald Abe Gorden and Simons doors and left little barbie books lovely hu.
well it all went well for Simons Door although we made loads of noice then Gorden hurd us and cort us but never mind and Iain would not go to bed so we had to wait up till fourish to do their door although I got scard of putting the noisy paper on Abes door just in case we woke Iain who is lovely but does not like to have his sleep disturbed so we used a bed sheet for his door and As Kat had given up and gone to bed we used the rapping paper to seal her door all very funny although the doing of the task ws the best bit as we did not see the reactions.
Spent the day in the park with Paul doing a tresure hunt he desided it would be funny to pretend to throw me in the pond which was um fun but am apserlotly reeked and has to type up this treasure hunt. ho hum.
we did possibly the nicest April fools jokes ever one the lads last night greta fun Kat Linda and I Seald Abe Gorden and Simons doors and left little barbie books lovely hu.
well it all went well for Simons Door although we made loads of noice then Gorden hurd us and cort us but never mind and Iain would not go to bed so we had to wait up till fourish to do their door although I got scard of putting the noisy paper on Abes door just in case we woke Iain who is lovely but does not like to have his sleep disturbed so we used a bed sheet for his door and As Kat had given up and gone to bed we used the rapping paper to seal her door all very funny although the doing of the task ws the best bit as we did not see the reactions.
Spent the day in the park with Paul doing a tresure hunt he desided it would be funny to pretend to throw me in the pond which was um fun but am apserlotly reeked and has to type up this treasure hunt. ho hum.
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