Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Ant Chris and i went Kiaking on the nene last night was sooooo much fun.
although it looked like we where not going to get to do it for a time as the duty offcier was late and no one new why and there was no instructor to lok after us begingers on the water.
but it all came together a lovely man called chris offered us to join his class and basicly spent the whole time working with me and chris and helping us get up to speed it was great. much better than the last time i understand a lot more of the macanics.
i am hoping to find something similar in scotland :)

i also wore chris out jouring the day with a walk into town and going to the park i have not seen him today but am sure he slept well.

spent today packing up my room so that chris will be able to move in there when i go up don't know how good a job i have one but i am sure it is a start threw out four bin bags worth of rubbish and there are two more to go to the charity shop eeeek.

Sunday, July 23, 2006


church was good this morning got commisioned to go out and prayed with it was also a lovley service bill lead it and spoke on amos which i really like.

feeling very low about the whole new church issue not only have i got to find a new church but it looks like it is going to create tensions with Gordon which does not help decress the nervousness one feels before you go into a new situation with lots of people you don't know and stuff like that. i guess it is just one of those thing.

Church this morning was good and God was really moving and working and i know that he will be there whatever and even if things do get hard in this area i can relie on that.

back in mum

been at dads all last week which was nice although i really wish that he would stop worring about entertaining me.
although on the entertainment side of things we went to see sunday in the park with Goerge which was great all done with really cool projections and little animations which was really nice.
went to windsor and we went for a walk in the other direction along the jublie river towards maidenhead had a meal in the pineapple which was really nice. got really badly sunburned for it mind.
spent a good amount of time in the garden with my book which was good.

Friday, July 14, 2006

at work with mum

possibly the most boring place in the world i have been filling envilopes with the contents of folders so that mum can fix her shelves humm fullfilling.
now am makin a cup of tea for people yay.
going to meet antie linda for lunch so that should be nice and then come back here for more fun and games like this morning.
mum had some great excitment over some new flat screen monitors that she bought for the office score.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

at home

well i have spent the last week at home it has been quite enjoyable as i am getting plenty of space to do what i want when i want and if i want.
so far have seen dan we for a walk have been to the pics with my little brother over the hedge is a must see it is pure brillance had me and my 18 year old and 10 year old bothers in stiches for the most part. we also eat kfc which was fun lots and lots of junk.
today spent the morning relaxing at home and went to the park for a picnic with Gen and Dan which was lovley we looked for cloud shaps talked and relaxed. Gen and i went back to her house met up with her boyfriend pete and watch a stand up comedian who they had a video of billy something or other and not the scotish one it was a good afternoon.
came home to find nan had sent me some really nice ear rings i am really pleased cannot get through to her to say thanks though she is clearly living it up somewhere will talk to her later.
dinner soon i hope my tummy requires nurrishment our picnic was all junk well that is apart from the stuff the Gen bought.

Monday, July 10, 2006

final goodbye

well i said my final goodbye to the college sunday morning after saying bye o dad cleaning my room got in the car with all the stuff i had left and drove away for the last time as a resident sure will be back.

it was a long drive i was glad mum and rob had brought a dvd player which the boys and i puged earphones into and watched verrouse things the downside was when the car was turned off we lost our place and there was not remote control to get into the sean menu. i also read some of my book which was good.

had a bath when i got home very good


its all over have finaly Graduated its quite strange really you don't feel any different and yet you feel like you should and the weiredest thought of all is that after the college summer holidays you will no longer have the college routeen to slip back into. you really have to step out of your comfort zone now and be a real adult scary.

After dad and i Got back from town i went to get ready Gordon had two busses go past his so i was getting really stressed about that, not his fault stupid busses. Mum turned up and told me tthey had to go into town but they gave me a lovley cross to go with my dreess which put me in a bit of a pickle as dad had given me a cross that was diannas grandmothers and i had said i would wear that. so i wore the green one that mum gave me for the grad and the gold one that dad gave me for the meal after i think that that was okay but what else could i do.

mum forgot my shoes left them at the hotel so she had to got me some from town otherwise it would have been blue ugandan flip flops. this did not help my nerves.

they all went of and linda turned up which was good she and i chatted as i got ready and josh joined us for walking down to the church very nice. dad went of to the cathedral was sad to leave Gordon at the flat yes he had gott there in plenty of time after all but i did not trust my perants to get the to church i supose it would have been a bit dull for him and his mum to have sat in the church for an hour anyway.

we got robed up and waited for instructions which seemed to take foreverr stood around and chatted. they had made a alturation to the seromny this year not only was it in the barreny but we where going to have our hoods put on us on the stage by tony this sounded quite cool but we had to carry the things in a certain way and most of us where worred about putting them down at all whichw as a pest.

the shoes arrived just in time but where to big i made do it was all quite funny at least i had shoes that was the main thing.
we proceded through the church and sat down in the order we where to go up in. there was some chat then the names where bein read out.
serously weired walking across the stage as what i was doing next was read out got through it and did not trip up which was a good thing.
the rest of the service seemed to take forever
then we processed out which was good.

tea afterwould was nice gott my portate taken talked to my lecturues had chris follow me around which was also nice.

went for tea it was very load in the buffet king but thats life felt really ill by the end of it.

but had enough omph left for a cup on hot choc on the way home with dad Gordon and his mum.

a good day all in all

feeling weired getting stressed being bord and other stuff for a week

well the week before graduation was intresting to say the least.
neil Kenny and I had a great laugh taking my stuff up to perth and packing it into the flat. but when i got home things felt very weired and my trouble sleeping increased funny how these things effect us.
Linda moved out which was also weired missed her being next door a lot.

Gordon and i had a nice day together slighly mired though by the fruitless search for a dress in livingston we gave up n the end as there was nothing i really like i decided to go to Glasgow the next day think Gordon my be tromatised for life by the exsperance of me looking for a nice dress. did find an ideal one in monsson took my £10 over budget and left me no money for shoes but thats a graduation story which i will tell in the next post.
but felt better after spending the day together and sleept better for it as well it was a really nice day.

next day found the dress avoided doing work as i was not feeling all that hot and went and had tea with Gordon and his mother which was nice fish and chips which i love.

brings us to wenesday which i also spent with Gordon and his mother we went swimming had tea out and went to the open air theater in pinces park to watch midsummer nights dream where alittle to cloes to the back to hear properly but we moved forward in the second half and that was much better really enjoyed it although was very ill by the end of the day. we always try and do to much and i get ill need to stop doing that soon.
i could not get home was so ill so sleept on Gordons mothers floor and that was okay had to spend most of thursday in bed trying to be well enough for club which was my final one.
was not really well enough but got there all the same. but we where just about ready to let the kids in when we had a power cut which meant we could not gave out the dvds i promised but sucked not being able to say fairwell to the kids as i would have liked.

they had chocolate cake for me as a final good bye and they gave me some rennie mackintosh mugs which are really nice. very very sad to leave though.

friday catrinora treated me to going to the hairdressers and dad arrived he was an hour and a half late silly vergin trains so we did not get to do much in the evening went to wagambas and converted dad to japaness food yay go me.

mum arrived so late that they could not join us for food or see us on the friday.

sat morning took dad to the goma bit of a disasta he hated it and there was no where else to get to in the amount of time although we went to the Rennie mackintosh tea rooms which he did like. feeling alittle stressed about getting ready and organising people to be at the right place at the right time started to get a headake.